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Passive Breath Alcohol Detector

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Alcoscan passive breath alcohol detector, reliably identifies alcohol impaired drivers. Its design provides you with the objective, unbiased

Read the Results:

Zero 0.00% BAC - 0.02% BAC
Low 0.02% BAC - 0.05% BAC
High 0.05% BAC +




Alcoscan passive breath alcohol detector, reliably identifies alcohol impaired drivers. Its design provides you with the objective, unbiased information you need and the easy operation you want.

Easy to Use
Turn Alcoscan On

In less than 30 seconds, ALCOSCAN completes a systems check and purge cycle. The LED display will show a yellow LED, indicating that the purge cycle and systems check are taking place. This process generally takes 30 seconds. Two audible indicators and a green LED indicate the unit is ready for a test.

Take a Breath Sample
The ALCOSCAN can be used in two modes:

Active - in which the subject participates by blowing directly into the unit.

Passive - in which the operator performs a noninvasive test, placing the unit in a space of air where alcohol may be present.


When the WAIT indicator is no longer illuminated and the yellow LED switches off and changes to the green READY indicator, the unit is reset and ready for re-testing.

Low Battery Indicator

The ALCOSCAN lets you know when the battery is low. A red indicator marked "Batt Low" indicates you should recharge the unit before re-

Alcoscan passive breath alcohol detector,

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Size: 30.0 cm x 10.0 cm (11.8 in x 3.9 in)
Weight: 425 grams with batteries (15 ounces)
Sensor: Semiconductor
Specificity: Selective for alcohol
Ambient operating temperature range: -20°C to +70°C (0°F to 170°F)
Purge cycle: 30 seconds
Breath sample: Directed toward inlet
Analytical time: Immediate
Recycle (recovery) time: 20 seconds
BAC readout format (unit of measurement): % BAC
Accuracy: ± 10% (0.010 at .10% BAC)
Display: 3 segment led
Batteries: Rechargeable nickel cadmium batteries
Number of tests: Full charge provides 2,500 tests
Calibration: Breath alcohol simulator with standard solution
Smoking caution: Wait 3 minutes
Drinking (alcohol consumption) caution: Wait 15 minutes
Complete package includes: Carrying pouch
  Charging adapter


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Breath Alcohol Testing Spec Sheets:
Ensure Model J7 | Snap® Disposable | DRIVESAFE Personal Alcohol Tester
Elan Portable BAT | QED Saliva Disposable Alcohol Test | Alert Model J4X | Alert J4 ECX Evidential Portable
Scotty Dry Gas Kit | Guth Wet Bath Kit | ALCOSCAN | Ethyl Alcohol Solutions

Drug Testing Spec Sheets:
Hair Testing | InstaStick Drug Test Strips | Instacheck Drug Screen | InstaCup Drug Screen | Intercept Oral Fluid Drug Test

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Ensure Model J7 | Snap® Disposable | DRIVESAFE Personal Alcohol Tester | Elan Portable BAT
Alert Model J4X |
Alert J4 ECX Evidential Portable | ONSITE Alcohol Test | Scotty Dry Gas Kit | Guth Wet Bath Kit
ALCOSCAN | Hair Testing | Instacheck Drug Screen | Ethyl Alcohol Solutions